OPUS Vibroacoustic Sound Bed
Vibroacoustic Healing (Sound)
OPUS is a vibroacoustic SoundBed that allows you to listen to mediations, and frequencies of music. OPUS translates these sounds into a full somatic experience of vibration throughout the body. Modalities of this type have been shown to affect the human system at a cellular level (see video below entitled Empirical Support for “Music Medicine”). It can be used to amplify other modalities we offer such as IASIS MCN and EMDR.
VIDEO: Empirical Support for “Music Medicine”
The Science of Music and Therapy
(Ted Talk)
The Healing Power of Sound in Mental Care
(Psychology Today)
Study: Why and How Music Moves Us
Study: The Psychological Functions of Music Listening
Article: The Psychology of Sound: How Music Impacts Emotions
“I play the notes as they are written but it is God who makes the music.”
Johann Sebastian Bach