Wellness Pathways
Wellness Pathways:
As you consider the various pathways offered by Metroplex Wellness and Counseling, please consider that any in-patient service that might be available to you would exceed $10,000/month (and that is at the very low end).
While Metroplex Wellness and Counseling offers no guaranteed outcome results, our aim is to serve our counselees holistically and effectively in a manner that will assist and equip them to reach their wellness goals most efficiently and cost effectively. That is why Metroplex Wellness and Counseling has developed several discounted pathways for those seeking mental and relational care. For more information, please call us at 817-571-4110.
Important Notice on all Wellness Pathways: All sessions purchased within the bundle must be completed within 20 weeks of initial assessment. Cancellations or No Shows without 24-hour notice will count toward this total. Rescheduling within the 20 weeks is possible depending on the counselors schedule but may be extended beyond that time frame if necessary.”
Optimizes body and soul integration for a deep sense of emotional wholeness and wellbeing.
Facilitates self-awareness, marital healing, and somatic balance.
Harmonizes body and soul encouraging an experience of wholeness for the anxious heart.
Facilitates somatic balance and ease for the stressed body.
Transitions the body to rest and digest.
Optimizes holistic systems regulation through nutritional care.