Enneagram Coaching
Metroplex Wellness and Counseling offers engaging and insightful Enneagram coaching with our certified providers. Your coaching experience will seek to facilitate the following:
Deeper Connection to Yourself
Based on your Enneagram Internal Profile your coach will assist you in gaining a rich self-knowledge on areas such as your core fear, core desire, core longing and general weaknesses and much more.
Deeper Connection with God (and the Gospel)
Your coach will help you glean insight on how the Gospel impacts your core sense of self while cultivating a working understanding of the importance of rooting your core identity in a loving and abiding God.
Deeper Connection with Others
As you gain insight into your own strengths and weaknesses and as you learn of the freedom that accompanies deeper intimacy with God (regarding your sense of self) you will become more situated to live out your God-given design to love God and others—the very purpose of the well aligned self.