
Rest in the Form of Surrender

Rest in the Form of Surrender

When you think of the term rest, what comes to mind? Is it a break or vacation from work? More sleep at night? Five minutes to yourself? A babysitter? A day of no tasks to complete? Binge watching your favorite tv shows? Time set aside for self-care and pampering? A...

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Change Brings Growth

Change Brings Growth

We’ve all heard the saying that “when one door closes, another one opens.” In some cases, that process may arrive unexpectedly or not reflect what you had hoped for. In other circumstances, it is the gift of an answered prayer. Regardless, closed doors tell us it is...

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Lifestyle and Your Immune System

Lifestyle and Your Immune System

If you read my post-Staying Healthy last time, you know that hydration and nutrition play a huge role in supporting your immune system. In this post, we’ll discuss the lifestyle factors, like sleep, stress, and movement, which contribute to immune health…make no...

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