What’s In Your Genes

What’s In Your Genes

You are unique! How many times have you heard that? Do you believe it? And to what extent? Yes, we were all created in the image of God and because of that, we have a lot of commonality with others. But we can see just how different we are even in how we relate to...
Feel Like You Are Going Crazy?

Feel Like You Are Going Crazy?

When most people think of mold they think of what they can see. Mold on their food, mold under the sink or on the walls. But there are a lot of instances where mold is unseen. You should always test (not all tests are created equal). However, even if you saw the...
Protein Is Important

Protein Is Important

It’s no secret that protein is important. It makes up the foundation of your hair, skin and muscles; transports oxygen; repairs and rebuilds tissue cells; and even helps promote healthy blood clotting. Not only that, but protein is vital to maintaining normal blood...