When most people think of mold they think of what they can see. Mold on their food, mold under the sink or on the walls. But there are a lot of instances where mold is unseen. You should always test (not all tests are created equal). However, even if you saw the initial outbreak of mold and you “cleaned it up” the mycotoxins may still be lurking.

“What’s the big deal?” you may ask. These mycotoxins 

Common signs of mold toxicity:

• Frequent fevers, allergies, chronic sinusitis, asthma or trouble breathing.

• Low blood pressure, bleeding, blood not clotting properly, irregular heartbeat

• Stomach and digestive disorders: leaky gut, stomach pain, diarrhea, vomiting up blood

• Neurological problems, poor concentration, forgetfulness

• Joint aches and pains, muscle wasting, chronic fatigue

• Depression, skin rashes, headaches

Yes, even depression can be a sign that mold could be an issue. Not everyone reacts the same way to mold either. My family knows this from experience. My reaction to mold was a lot of neurological issues including depression, panic attacks and hallucinations. My husband reacted immunologically by getting shingles. My youngest at the time was a baby and he had a terrible time sleeping and cried most of the time. His allergies were much worse because of this exposure and we are still working on his healing from that. 

We did a lot to help our bodies get rid of the effects of the mold and it was a long process. Even though a lot of doctors wrote off the possibility that mold did that much damage. I trusted my gut. I mean you can look at scripture and it talks about how to take care of mold. Read Leviticus 14:33-53. You don’t mess around!! God has a lot of these ways of doing things in place because it is for our good. 

Dr. Jack Thrasher (toxicology, immunotoxicology) wrote “It’s important to determine whether or not your health problems are indeed due to mold. Most doctors will simply prescribe an antibiotic for chronic sinusitis, for example. If your sinusitis stems from bacteria and mold growth in your home, it’s not going to clear up. The next step is typically to prescribe either prednisone or a corticosteroid, which could further worsen your condition”.

It’s so important to have someone in your corner. I had to dig to find those people and have help finding resources on the best course of action. We had to be ruthless because our exposure was so great. It was not easy. While we were looking for our next home we were taking supplements to build up our immunity to fight and taking binders to grab onto the toxins and move them out. What I wish I had then is something that is now available to my clients now. A way to help the body rid itself of chemicals and heavy metals. What does that have to do with mold? 

Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, Ph.D., added: “Toxic metals harm the cells of the body whereas the invading microbes (including mold) thrive in a heavy metal environment. Research by Ludwig, Voll, and others in Germany and by Omura and myself here in the US, show that microbes tend to set up their housekeeping in those body compartments that have the highest pollution with toxic metals. The list of symptoms of mercury toxicity alone, published by DAMS (Dental Amalgam Support Group) includes virtually all illnesses known to humankind. Chronic fatigue, depression, and joint pains are the most common on the list. The body’s immune cells are incapacitated in those areas whereas the microbes multiply and thrive in an undisturbed way.”

We obtain these toxins in so many different ways from the pesticide sprayed produce we eat, chemical laden processed food, skin care products, the air we breath, the water we drink and so much more. While we can try to do what we can to make wise choices there is still going to be an accumulation. 

Finding ways to detoxify is key in  helping your body deal with the normal processes of day to day life. These are some of my favorite detox methods.

  • Infrared sauna
  • dry skin brushing
  • exercising to move the lymphatic system
  • ionic foot detoxes 
  • IASIS Microcurrent Neurofeedback

 Doing this and supporting your body with nutritious food and supplements or vitamin IV is optimal to accelerate recovery. 

These are some of my favorite supplements/binders for helping with mold/heavy metals.

When you have a clean internal environment the symptoms of illness will disappear. 

If you or someone you love have been exposed to mold and mycotoxins – I would love to help you on your journey back to wellness. Here’s to your health and getting back to yourself again.